Forward Focus News & Events

Event: "A Cholesterol Free-For-All" Webinar

How important is a normal cholesterol level to your overall health?

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News: Vaccine Anticipation

Currently, the vaccine will be distributed through the major medical centers and through county health departments. We will NOT have the mRNA vaccine in the office at this time.

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Blog: Living Life Without Dieting

A thought for this Holiday Season; There are no rules when it comes to eating your Holiday Meal. However, remember to be Mindful the day's before and after the holiday.

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News: COVID-19 Vaccine Approval & Distribution Process

There is light at the end of the tunnel; however, the virus continues to be dangerous - Stay Safe!

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News: First Wave of COVID -19 Vaccines is Coming

Practicing good health habits is critical now more than ever

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News: COVID - 19 Cautiously Optimistic

We should all be limiting nonessential activities, travel, and gatherings

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News: COVID Cases are Spiking - Stay Calm

The time has come when we need to stay home

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News: Forward Focus Wellness Center Launches its 2021 Educational Series

The Forward Focus Wellness Center Launches its 2021 Educational Series - January 13 via Zoom - Join Us

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News: COVID-19 Dramatic Impact

COVID-19: Where we are today and where we are headed - offering support and hope

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Blog: Why I chose Dr. Sharon Berliant to be my doctor

I am lucky that Dr. Berliant joined such a fantastic practice

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