Forward Focus News & Events

News: New Concept Cooking Club Kick-Off

Let's have fun as we prepare tasty, healthy food at home.

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Event: Sweet & Satisfying With Less Added Sugars - Can This Be Possible? Webinar

If your sweet tooth is out of control, it is time to consider some modern ways to sweeten your recipes, THE NATURAL WAY.

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News: November 2021 - National Diabetes Month - Pre-Diabetes & Preventing Diabetes

Small steps BIG difference - Preventing diabetes is within your reach.

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Event: Alphabet Soup: A Brief Primer on Vitamins and Supplements Webinar

There are so many vitamins and supplements out there.

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News: October 2021 - Breast Cancer Awareness Month

There are some risk factors you can control, such as weight, physical activity and alcohol.

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Blog: Do You Have Untreated Hearing Loss?

October is a great time to get your hearing checked and hearing loss treated.

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Event: Are Hearing Aids Always the Solution? Webinar

Listening strategies and other considerations for best hearing practices.

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News: Who is Kristie Faller, RN?

A "get acquainted" visit with our new team member.

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Blog: A Summer Hearing Challenge

My challenge to the Wellness Center community is to use the summer to reflect on your hearing. Do you find yourself struggling to understand conversation?

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