Forward Focus News & Events

Blog: Finding Happiness and Beauty in Hard Times

There is still love here. We can still find peace.

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News: February - American Heart Month

Major Heart Disease Risk Factors you can modify, treat or control.

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News: Vaccine Updates

The vaccines are here!! Of course, it is not that simple.

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Event: "Is It Really a Case of Not Listening?: Don't Seek a Divorce Attorney Quite Yet!" Webinar

Hearing loss has many causes, and the solution for hearing better is more than just hearing aids.

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Blog: Resolutions

I think our resolutions this year need to take on a different tone.

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News: Living Better During COVID - Activity Guide Part Four - Entertainment

The health benefits associated with some good old-fashioned fun are nothing short of incredible.

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News: Living Better During COVID - Activity Guide Part Three - Exercise

Staying active is one of the most important things you can do to improve your personal well-being.

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News: Positive Updates

COVID-19 in Lake County Bent the Curve. Good Job. Stay the Course. Wash Hands, Wear Masks, Social Distance.

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News: Living Better During COVID - Activity Guide PART TWO - Food

Some holiday recipes that are both healthy and tasty. Bon Appetite!

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News: Living Better During COVID - Activity Guide Part One - Brain Teasers

Bored, going stir crazy, cabin fever, struggling to not gain those extra pounds while staying safe at home? Well, we have some tips for you.

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