News: Living Better During COVID - Activity Guide Part Three - Exercise

Staying active is one of the most important things you can do to improve your personal well-being.  Whether you are trying to lose weight, stay active as you age or shake-up your normal exercise routine, you will benefit physically, emotionally, and mentally from physical activity.

There are many tools available to assist you in staying active.  Below are a few resources to consider:

1. American Heart Association – The AHA offers Fitness Basics (under Healthy Living) providing recommendations for Physical activity in Adults.

2. Other Organizations – There are many organizations that are offering digital exercise classes and/or exercise guidance.  Organizations such as Health Clubs, Senior Centers, Park Districts, etc.  Some cost money, some do not. 

3. YouTube – There are numerous exercises at home videos available on YouTube, at no cost, that you could explore.

4. Do it on Your Own – Here are 7 quick HIIT exercise ideas you can incorporate into your daily life right at home to help you stay active in the house:

·   Repetitively standing up and sitting down in the chair/couch they are sitting in for the duration of a commercial break while they watch TV

·   Purchasing a peddler devise on Amazon that they can use during commercial breaks or while sitting at the table doing other activities

·  Stair climbing up/down in their home 5X

·  While taking the garbage out, walk up/down the driveway 3-5 extra times

·  Using water bottle or jars as weight to lift and lower while cooking

·  Balancing on one foot at their countertop for safety while waiting for something to cook or the coffee to brew 3-5X on each leg

·  Standing next to a chair for safety and marching in place X3 min

Have FUN with it!

December 29, 2020